
Shri. Sandeep Shirude and Bhushan Shirude, both the brothers from a small village named Bahal, at the young age below 25 years, have established the trust under the name of “Medlife Foundation “in the year 2014. The trust is engaged in various social activities i.e. upbringing financially weak students and the people from remote backward areas, arranging blood donation and medical camp, guiding the Agriculturists towards modernization etc. It is gathered that the trust has started the activities in full swing. Recently they have arranged the camp at Old Age Home, Taloja, Panvel and distribution of clothes, utensils etc. to needy people in the backward area of Palghar. The trust also gives vide publication of social activities conducted for benefit of needy people by other trusts. I wish Medlife Foundation and its trustees for the social activities undertaken by them.

Bhushan’s energy to serve others is contagious. One of the youngest genuine philanthropists and social Entrepreneur I have ever met. Medlife foundation is definitely serving the humanity to a great extent, Their team has not just done social work but also have done it in a very creative way, They just don’t change the financial status of whom they serve but also their emotions, dreams and most importantly they touch their soul.”

have known and worked with (Medlife Foundation) Bhushan and I can say with pride that he and his team are doing some great work in the field of creating awareness for Sustainable Menstruation & healthy lifestyle, Their sincerity and dedication in working with the children, youth, and senior citizens are visible in their interactions, A very vibrant and talented group of youngsters, wish you all the best Medlife foundation and its team

आजची तरुण पिढी सतत यशाच्या मागे धावताना दिसत आहे. स्वतःवर लक्ष देण्यात मग्न असलेली हि पिढी ‘स्वार्थात’ अडकलेय का? हा प्रश्न सतत भेडसावायचा. गेले काही महिने मेडलाईफ फाऊंडेशनच्या उपक्रमांबद्दल सातत्याने ऐकून माझी हि समजूत खोटी ठरली असं म्हणायला हरकत नाही. आमचे जवळचे मित्र भुषण शिरुडे व तरुण मुलांनी स्थापन केलेली हि संस्था खरच या समाजासाठी भरभरून योगदान करीत आहे, हे पाहून मनाला आनंद वाटतो. आदिवासी पाड्यावर जाऊन मकरसंक्रांत साजरी करणं असो, वृद्धाश्रमात जाऊन वयोवृद्धांना आनंदाचे क्षण वाटणं असो, विविध ठिकाणी आरोग्य शिबिरं राबवणं असो, व अनाथ आश्रमातील मुलांना मदतीचा हात असो अश्या विविध मार्गाने मेडलाईफ फाऊंडेशन समाजाला अमूल्य योगदान करीत आहे. मेडलाईफ फाऊंडेशनच्या भावी उपक्रमांना माझ्या खूप शुभेच्छा!

we sometimes ignore our health problems due to some reasons or our busy schedule & when it becomes bigger, then we realize it and start searching for treatment. So this health check-up camp is very useful for them to cure every problem at its initial stage, All thanks to Medlife foundation the check you provided me and through that whichever deficiencies of some elements and vitamins you explained to me about, with their solutions. I’m really thankful for that

Medlife foundation’s health check-up camp is amazing, coz the maximum tests are done at minimum prices under this. A full body check-up camp has been arranged by Medlife foundation for all the police staff. The method of checking was very neat and easy-going, We got proper guidance for that from Dr. Bhushan and whatever advice they’ve given about resting, eating habits and yoga, meditation we will try to follow them all and we hope that all the problems which are raising in police line related to health will decrease eventually.